Existing work on Formal Verification of DNN

Abhijit Paul

<2024-08-01 বৃহঃ>

In this article, we perform a detailed literature review of Formal Verification of DNN methods. We first aim to list out the papers relevant to it. We plan to address all years - from 2027 to 2023. We cover a total of 9 FM and AI related conferences for it.


Paper name Year Conference
Certifying the Fairness of KNN in the Presence of Dataset Bias 2023 CAV
Monitoring Algorithmic Fairness 2023 CAV
nl2spec: Interactively Translating Unstructured Natural Language to Temporal Logics with Large Language Models 2023 CAV
NNV 2.0: The Neural Network Verification Tool 2023 CAV
QEBVerif: Quantization Error Bound Verification of Neural Networks 2023 CAV
Verifying Generalization in Deep Learning 2023 CAV
Formal Methods for Trusted AI 2023 FMCAD
Formally Explaining Neural Networks within Reactive Systems 2023 FMCAD
Lightweight Online Learning for Sets of Related Problems in Automated Reasoning 2023 FMCAD
DelBugV: Delta-Debugging Neural Network Verifiers 2023 FMCAD
Robustness Verification of DNN using Star-based reachability analysis with variable length time-series input 2023 FMICS
Verifying Feed-Forward neural network for classification in Isabelle/HOL 2023 FM
SMPT: A testbed for reachability methods in generalized petri nets 2023 FM
The octatope abstract domain for verification of Neural Network 2023 FM
Program semantics and verification techniques for AI-centered programs 2023 FM
Shifting left for early detection of ML bugs 2023 FM
Run time monitoring for out-of-distribution detection in object-detection neural network 2023 FM
Backdoor mitigation in neural network via strategic retraining 2023 FM
veriFIRE: Verifying an Industrial, Learning based wild fire detection system 2023 FM
Formalizing robustness against character level perturbations for Neural Network Language Models 2023 FM
Branch and bound method for sigmoid like neural network verification 2023 ICFEM
Certifying sequential consistency of machine learning accelerators 2023 ICFEM
Verifying neural networks by approximating convex hull 2023 ICFEM
Eager to stop: Efficient falsification of Deep Neural Network 2023 ICFEM
Unified verification of neural network's robustness and privacy verification in computer vision 2023 ICFEM
IoT Software vulnerability detection through LLM (why is it FM? Check) 2023 ICFEM
Chronosymbolic Learning: Efficient CHC Solving with Symbolic Reasoning and Inductive Learning 2023 SAIV
Error Analysis of Shapley Value-Based Model Explanations: An Informative Perspective 2023 SAIV
Concept-Based Analysis of Neural Networks via Vision-Language Models 2023 SAIV
Parallel Verification for delta-Equivalence of Neural Network Quantization 2023 SAIV
Verification of Neural Network Control Systems in Continuous Time 2023 SAIV
A Preliminary Study to Examining Per-class Performance Bias via Robustness Distributions 2023 SAIV
Clover: Closed-Loop Verifiable Code Generation 2023 SAIV
Provable Repair of Vision Transformers 2023 SAIV
Iterative Counter-Example Guided Robustness Verification for Neural Networks 2023 SAIV
Alpha-beta-crown, FastBATLLNN, Marabou, NeuralSAT, nnenum, NNV, PyRAT 2023 VNN
Verifying Learning-Based Robotic Navigation Systems 2023 FoMLAS
​DNN Verification, Reachability, and the Exponential Function Problem 2023 FoMLAS
Supporting Standardization of Neural Networks Verification with VNNLIB and CoCoNet​ 2023 FoMLAS
A Semidefinite Relaxation Based Branch-and-Bound Method for Tight Neural Network Verification 2023 FoMLAS
Prediction and Control of Stochastic Agents Using Formal Methods 2023 FoMLAS
Scaling Model Checking for Neural Network Analysis via State-Space Reduction and Input Segmentation 2023 FoMLAS
Towards a Study of Performance for Safe Neural Network Training 2023 FoMLAS
Verifying Global Neural Network Specifications using Hyperproperties 2023 FoMLAS
Robust Training of Neural Networks against Bias Field Perturbations 2023 FoMLAS
A Preliminary Study of Robustness Distributions for Neural Network Verification 2023 FoMLAS
Certified Private Inference on Neural Networks via Lipschitz-Guided Abstraction Refinement 2023 FoMLAS
Logic of Differentiable Logics: Towards a Uniform Semantics of DL 2023 FoMLAS
ANTONIO: Towards a Systematic Method of Generating NLP Benchmarks for Verification 2023 FoMLAS
Model Checking the Optimal Behavior of Big Markov Process 2023 FoMLAS
Google Deepmind Article
Evaluating robustness of NN with Mixed Integer Programming 2018

Explorer Notes

  1. FM, CAV and FMCAD has separate track for NN verification papers.
  2. I found no papers on NN in IFM2023, SAT2023, SEFM2023.
  3. Check out papers from all years on SAIV,FoMLAS and VNN.